When 13 Movie Makers Sent Viewers Messages, No One Paid Attention

By Sandoval 7 month ago 489
If you are interested in learning more about these covert communications, scroll down to these articles: 13 Movie Makers Sent Viewers Messages.

Making a movie from a script to a finished product is a very complicated process that involves hundreds of people, including cast and crew. It's common to think that the screenplay, director, and major cast are primarily to blame for the success or failure of a project. However, in order to boost the attraction of movies, editors, special effects artists, and filmmakers frequently use subtle signals to draw in audience members.

All viewers have always been fascinated by these subliminal signals, but movie buffs and conspiracy theorists are particularly intrigued. Despite being intriguing and perhaps hard to find, they always offer the viewer a satisfying experience. And among them, we've listed 13 instances where filmmakers subtly inserted messages into their works to demonstrate their skill.

Scroll down to the following articles if you wish to explore these covert communications in greater detail:  13 Movie Makers Sent Viewers Messages.

#1. Venom: Let There Be Carnage

13 Movie Makers Sent Viewers Messages


Due to his great terror of the red extraterrestrial, Venom threw away all the red M&Ms, including Carnage. Only after coming face to face with his foe, Carnage, did he make an effort to overcome this dread.

#2. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay — Part 1


13 Movie Makers Sent Viewers Messages

Sources:The Hunger Games: Mockingjay


Katniss was held hostage and exploited as a propaganda tool in a Capitol scene. A sharp symbol that denotes a threat to her life may be seen on her collar.

#3. The Batman

13 Movie Makers Sent Viewers Messages

Sources:The Batman

The Martinelli Luce Pipistrello light, designed by the artist, is shown on the table next to Penguin. The word "Pipistrello" is Italian for "bat."


#4. 500 Days of Summer

13 Movie Makers Sent Viewers Messages

Sources:500 Days of Summer

Each of Summer's clothing has a different shade of navy blue, making her the sole character who

wears it. This was done by the director to draw attention to Zooey Deschanel's gorgeous blue eyes.


#5. Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood

13 Movie Makers Sent Viewers Messages

Sources:Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood


Sharon Tate is portrayed by Margot Robbie in a moment where she is seen sitting at a movie theatre without shoes. This indicates that she prefers going barefoot and makes most of the chance to take them off.

#6. Knocked Up

13 Movie Makers Sent Viewers Messages

Sources:Knocked Up

We can see many images in Dr. Howard's office as he assures Ben and Alison that he will be ready to assist with birth because he does not take holidays or enjoy travelling. He might be lying if he does this.


#7. 13 Going on 30

13 Movie Makers Sent Viewers Messages
When 13 Movie Makers Sent Viewers Messages, No One Paid Attention

Sources:13 Going on 30

Jenna shielded herself with an umbrella when she mistook her boyfriend for a robber. The same thing was done by her father in a different scene when he thought Jenna was a robber. This is something that a family can do.


#8. X-Men: Dark Phoenix

13 Movie Makers Sent Viewers Messages

Sources:X-Men: Dark Phoenix

When Professor X meets Magneto, we can see him sporting a Rolex Milgauss. This timepiece can withstand magnetic interference.

#9. Twilight


13 Movie Makers Sent Viewers Messages



After meeting Edward, Bella started dressing more femininely, something many people might have missed. This demonstrates how love has shaped her.

#10. Love Actually

13 Movie Makers Sent Viewers Messages

Sources: Love Actually

We watch a DVD called "Rear Window," which tells the tale of a man who uses his camera to record the lives of others. With regard to Mark personally, the same is true.


#11. Avatar

13 Movie Makers Sent Viewers Messages


The length of Jake's hair fluctuates throughout the movie.

#12. Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn


13 Movie Makers Sent Viewers Messages

Sources: Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn


The moment where Harley and Cass are seen carrying their stuff down a hill was modelled after a sequence from "Léon: The Professional."

#13. Pretty Woman and The Princess Diaries

13 Movie Makers Sent Viewers Messages

Sources:Pretty Woman and The Princess Diaries

The waiter's statement in "Pretty Woman" that "It happens all the time" is true is comparable to that in "The Princess Diaries." A waiter says to Mia in this clip after she breaks a glass, "That happens all the time."


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